I want to share my story so people who feel alone and discouraged might feel will, well, less alone and more confident.”
– JT
a story of courage, determination, and overcoming.
The No Bad Days™ mo/va/onal series is designed for anyone desiring mo/va/on, direc/on, and focus in life. Speaker JT Jester was diagnosed with a life-threatening syndrome called VATER/VACTERL the moment he was born.
He endured 250 days in hospitals before age 3 and 16 major surgeries before age
16. As soon as doctors discovered one condi/on and treated it, a new and worse one would pop up. On top of that, JT has such severe dyslexia and short-term memory loss that his school psychologist told him in fourth grade that he would be illiterate for life. JT pushed through and got really good at overcoming his own life challenges! As hard as it may I have been for someone who is dyslexically challenged he wrote a book!
Now, JT is on a journey of sharing a message of hope to everyone that no maVer what you may be going through you will pull through the relentless suffering into light-filled breakthroughs—because I and my family did and you can too!
JT has a passion for helping mo/vate people to become the best version of themselves. He challenges his audience to live a life of love and purpose.